

Web Master

Dans les dernières années, la popularité de l’huile d’olive n’a cessé de croître, générant, au même rythme, un marché de la contrefaçon bien huilé ........... full article

What’s  with Peroxide & Acidity levels in extra virgin olive oil?

Web Master

This Peroxide is NOT what you associate with bleached blonds. It is a chemical measurement  that indicates the freshness of olive oil. To qualify as Extra Virgin olive oil this level must be less than 20%. The lower the better and fresher.  More info here.   The Acidity level is also a measure of freshness. It is completely tasteless and is a chemical description of the extent the oil has been oxidized, or exposed to oxygen. To qualify as Extra Virgin olive oil the level must be less than 0.8 degrees. Again the lower the better and the fresher. Refined oil...

When buying olive oil ...

Web Master

When buying olive oil remember that the crooks make more money selling fake oil than they do drugs. Their label will stress what everyone knows; extra virgin olive oil, cold press, first press. You must look further. The name of the olive used for the oil. The harvest date, not the sell by date which is flexible and arbitrary. The harvest date will be starting anywhere from September to December in the Northern Hemisphere depending on the location of the groves, and 6 months later in the Southern Hemisphere. The DOP, or government stamp, that guarantees the authenticity of the...

How to check your olive oil's pedigree

Web Master

        Like the best cars and  athletes, the best olive oils enter international competitions from NY to Rome, Tokyo to Melbourne, Israel to South Africa and beyond.. Lab reports are part of the intense monitoring of the various stages of the oil’s development from it’s early half ripe stage to it’s fully ripe one.           At ‘You Taste the Truth’ we consult the lab reports before we order from the producers, and you get a copy of the report that goes with the oils you order.        The Flos Olei competition in Rome was more or less the format for...

Taste and the Health Benefits of Extra Virgin olive oil

Web Master

The healthy properties in an olive increase until the olive is half ripe and still green. As the olive ripens and matures, these benefits leave and the oil content increases. The taste becomes milder and milder because the taste of the departing benefits is bitter (antioxidants) and peppery (anti-inflammatories). The polphenol count on a lab report is a very good indication of the level of health benefits in extra virgin olive oil. An explanation of the powerful Anti-Inflammatory benefits of Olive Oil...oleocanthal Explaining Anti Inflammatory Benefits Antioxidants (Polyphenols) as explained by Agbiolab (a company that works for the olive industry...